Featured image for the different types of consumer needs depicting evolution.

Types of Consumer Needs: An Evolutionary Perspective on Why We Buy

If you want to do good marketing, you must know your customers. Without understanding the needs that are motivating them to buy, your business won’t reach its full potential. Instead of pinpointed marketing campaigns, you’ll be hurling stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. Unless you have an endless budget — which startups and…

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The Consumer Decision Making Process: A Simple Guide

The consumer decision-making process is a complex activity influenced by cognitive, emotional and neurological factors. It’s nevertheless essential for marketers to understand it. Consumers make constant decisions about purchase, use, opinions, and discarding of products and services. If you don’t have any idea of how consumers make these decisions, how are you supposed to influence…

A couple purchasing a bottle of wine. The featured image for this blog post.

Customer Needs: The Complete Guide for Marketers

To understand consumer behavior, you must understand customer needs. Needs establish goals which in turn determine what products and services consumers purchase. Whether it’s choosing what to eat for lunch, which beverage to drink, what evening activity to do, or which mobile app to open on a commute, each decision is driven by a specific…

A man doing secondary market research in a library

What Is & How to Conduct Secondary Market Research

Whether launching a new campaign, researching a potential marketing channel, or just snooping in on what the competition is doing, odds are you will encounter secondary market research at some point in your role.  Secondary research can be a very flexible and cost-effective way to find answers to your problems and get a feel for…

A startup canvas with post it notes.

The 4 Greatest Marketing Challenges for Startups

For the curious and ambitious, marketing at startups is incredibly exciting. Depending on the lifecycle of the company, you have responsibilities anywhere from building a marketing team and mapping out strategy, to running targeted campaigns catered to well-defined audiences. It’s a high stakes game where the challenges are immense. Only 33% of startups ever make…

Common decicion making biases and errors featured image. A sheep getting a biased math result.

12 Common Biases and How They Influence Decision-Making

People are not rational decision makers. Quite the contrary we are highly irrational in almost everything we do. That’s because despite best intentions to remain as objective as possible there are just so many things that influence us in any given moment — both on a conscious level and on a broader emotional and subconscious…