Types of Consumer Needs: An Evolutionary Perspective on Why We Buy

Types of Consumer Needs: An Evolutionary Perspective on Why We Buy

If you want to do good marketing, you must know your customers. Without understanding the needs that are motivating them to buy, your business won’t reach its full potential. Instead of pinpointed marketing campaigns, you’ll be hurling stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. Unless you have an endless budget — which startups and…

Customer Needs: The Complete Guide for Marketers

Customer Needs: The Complete Guide for Marketers

To understand consumer behavior, you must understand customer needs. Needs establish goals which in turn determine what products and services consumers purchase. Whether it’s choosing what to eat for lunch, which beverage to drink, what evening activity to do, or which mobile app to open on a commute, each decision is driven by a specific…

Why Do People Buy Luxury Goods And Why Are They So Expensive?

Why Do People Buy Luxury Goods And Why Are They So Expensive?

People buy luxury goods to gain status and ultimately improve their lives. Luxury brands are expensive because they have to be. If luxury brands were cheap, they would lose their ability to ascribe social status to their buyers. Porsche is the most valuable luxury brand in the world. Brand Finance estimates its brand value at…